English Lavender Orpingtons
English lavender orpington chickens- a flock! These are large bodied, sweet natured birds that are jaw dropping gorgeous! With a small amount of imagination, you can see why they are called lavender colored. The roos are my favorites around, but don’t let their large size fool you-they are incredibly friendly even with children. I am special friends with my birds and truly adore this breed. Orpington hens have strong maternal instincts and go broody once or twice a year. They raise their chicks with the upmost care. Hens lay a light tan egg that at times comes out pink and occasionally have speckles. Because of their size, they also make a great dual purpose choice for both eggs and meat. They are also thrift foragers, predator aware, and winter hardy. We have began butchering our grow out roosters in the fall and using them for soup birds. I like to always have plan B’s on the farm for self sufficiency if needed, and these are definitely big enough to make a good meal.
During the spring we offer hatching eggs and straight run baby chicks for purchase from our farm. We do not ship at this time. In the fall we have some pullets available.
We hatched our first English lavenders ourselves from a local breeder in 2020, and are working to continue to improve the breed. 2022 we searched high and low for the best representation of the breed and brought in hatching eggs from Brickhouse poultry out of North Carolina to diverse our flock. I am so proud of our most handsome rooster from Brickhouse! He has continued to improve our flock.