Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Our holistically managed Nigerian dwarf herd is treasured here on the farm. From kidding season, to milking season, so much joy and bounty is brought to our lives from our goats. I also joke that they are cheaper than therapy. With the sweetest tasting milk you have ever tasted, we hand craft our luxury goat’s milk soap and keep our personal fridge well stocked with raw milk, kefir and cheese. We have been beyond blessed by two local holistic herds and mentors with years of experience willing to share their knowledge and bloodlines.
Our herd is ADGA registered. We offer a waitlist for goat kids for sale each spring (generally March kidding and ready to go home May), buck services in fall for clean tested herds, and goat milk soap year round.
What does holistically managed mean? Our animals have generations of successfully being managed with strong immune systems, and the support of herbal remedies. The heartache of sickly animals is just not worth it, when you can do a little research and invest in quality stock from the beginning. The payoff will be quality lines from generation to generation. We do not vaccinate, if you choose to do so that can be done after babies go home. Our herd receives free choice second cutting alfalfa, grain only while on the milk stand, and free choice mineral buffet. We use essential oils and herbal dewormers, never chemicals.
We select for hand milking abilities with nice udder texture, large enough to milk teets with good placements, open orifices, and willingness to milk. We also focus on nice temperaments, good body conformation, ability to hold good condition throughout the year and low maintenance hooves. Of course this is all a dream wish list, but these are top of mind as we select in our breeding program and try to advance generation after generation.
Thank you for considering our breeding program as a start or enhancement to your own herd. Feel free to reach out with any questions or to be added to our kidding waitlist.